Cordell & Cordell St. Louis divorce lawyer Heather Biagi answers the question, “Do I really need to hire an attorney for my divorce case?”
Missouri Divorce Information
St. Louis Divorce Lawyer: Advantages To Filing For Divorce First
St. Louis divorce lawyer Heather Biagi explains the advantages to filing for divorce first in Missouri.
St. Louis Divorce Lawyer: When Can I File For Divorce In Missouri?
St. Louis divorce lawyer Heather Biagi explains when someone can file for divorce in Missouri.
Ask a St. Louis Divorce Lawyer: What Are The Missouri Divorce Grounds?
St. Louis divorce lawyer Heather Biagi explains the different Missouri divorce grounds.
Missouri Child Support Termination Procedure
Missouri Child Support Question: I recently had my Missouri child support affidavit returned to me from the Missouri courts stating that the affidavit form is only for terminating all children. How do I terminate child support if only one of my children is considered emancipated? Answer from Missouri Divorce Lawyer Jordan Rapoff: Generally, in Missouri, child support terminates when a child dies, marries, enters the military, becomes self supporting, or turns 18. However, child support can continue after age 18, and all the way to age 21. Pursuant to Revised Missouri Statute 452.340, child support may continue beyond a child’s Read more
Understanding Missouri Child Support
By Jordan Rapoff Cordell & Cordell Missouri Divorce Lawyer In Missouri, in a proceeding for dissolution of marriage, legal separation, or child support, the court may order either or both parents to pay an amount reasonable or necessary for the support of the child. In calculating Missouri child support, the court will take into consideration several relevant factors. Missouri Child Support Factors 1) The financial needs and resources of the child; 2) The financial resources and needs of the parents; 3) The standard of living the child would have enjoyed had the marriage not been dissolved; 4) The physical and Read more
Missouri Maintenance Laws
By Jordan Rapoff Cordell & Cordell Missouri Divorce Lawyer Alimony is now called maintenance in Missouri. The court may grant a maintenance order to either spouse but only if the court finds that the spouse seeking maintenance: 1. Lacks sufficient property, including marital property apportioned to him/her, to provide for his/her reasonable needs; AND 2. Is unable to support himself/herself through appropriate employment or is the custodian of a child whose condition or circumstances make it appropriate that the custodian not be required to seek employment outside the home. If a Missouri maintenance order is awarded, the order will extend Read more
Missouri Divorce Overview
By Jordan Rapoff Cordell & Cordell Missouri Divorce Lawyer To be eligible to file for divorce in Missouri, one party must be a resident of the state or a member of the armed services stationed in the state for 90 days immediately preceding the commencement of the proceeding. If at least one of the parties meets the eligibility requirement, then the action may be filed in the county in which the Petitioner (the party filing for divorce) resides or the county in which the Respondent resides. If the action is filed in the county where the Petitioner resides, the Respondent Read more